Homing from Work

Account Manager • jul. 08, 2021

      This past [almost 2 years] we’ve been experiencing a constant loop of changes in both personal and professional environments, leading to a significant adherence from almost every company to adopt the remote work method. 

Since this was almost a utopic idea to date, most of us had to readjust all our working routines and find balance while separating our professional life from the personal one while they coexisted in the same place. 

     Knowing that for some people this scenario continues to be present and that working from home can be wonderful, but can also imply some anxiety and stress while trying to manage everything, we’ve summed up 3 of the most important principles to help you get work flowing without driving yourself exhaustion.

Schedule your day

     One of the most amazing parts of working from home is that now you get to sleep the 30 minutes extra you would normally spend on the crazy morning traffic. Some people even use that spare time to exercise or have a slower morning breakfast. Regardless of how you use the extra time you were given, make sure you have time to prepare your day the same way you would if you’re going to your workplace so that your brain gets to separate your resting time from the hustle one. 

     The same way you start your day, remember to log off the workload as you normally do if you were in your normal work environment.

Set Boundaries

     Following the previous tip, you must set boundaries. Regardless if you’re at home, and are able to have a more flexible schedule, don’t let yourself procrastinate within your working tasks to support your housemates or family with the normal chores you wouldn’t usually be able to do because you were not present

     Of course, taking breaks is crucial, to restore your energy and increase your motivation but try to create a dedicated workspace and let everyone know that during working hours you are unavailable and focused on what your own working tasks 


Know your limits

     Create tasks, so that you are able to keep track of your productivity and what you’re doing and achieving day by day. 

     Build your own personal space, designate an area of your home with a working desk exclusively to get work done. 

     Remember to hydrate, nurture yourself, use your full breaks, open the window and inhale some fresh air, check-in with co-workers and ask for their tips.

     Don’t overload or let yourself drown in the anxiety of not accomplishing more than you can and figure out what works best for you in your own reality.

     Accept that we are living different times, and everyone is adjusting themselves as well. 

And at any time, if you wish to have more tips on how to improve your working routine, feel free to book chat with us. 

Stay safe and stay well! ❤

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Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has rapidly transformed from a futuristic concept to a tangible reality, reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with technology. With its growing influence across various sectors, A.I. is here to stay, and it's crucial for us to embrace its potential. In this article, we delve into why A.I. is a transformative force, highlighting its ability to enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and address complex challenges. By embracing A.I., we can unlock unprecedented opportunities and create a brighter future. Enhancing Efficiency and Automation: A.I. technologies, such as machine learning and deep learning algorithms, enable machines to process vast amounts of data, learn patterns, and make intelligent decisions. This ability to automate repetitive tasks, analyze complex data sets, and streamline processes has the potential to revolutionize industries like manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, finance, and more. By embracing A.I., organizations can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and allocate human resources to more creative and strategic endeavors. Fostering Innovation and Creativity: A.I. is a powerful tool that can augment human capabilities and drive innovation. It can assist in data analysis, generate insights, and identify patterns that may not be readily apparent to humans. By leveraging A.I., researchers, scientists, and engineers can accelerate discoveries, solve complex problems, and unlock new possibilities across various domains. A.I.-powered technologies, such as natural language processing and computer vision, also have the potential to revolutionize sectors like education, entertainment, and creative arts, opening up avenues for immersive experiences and personalized learning. Addressing Complex Challenges: A.I. has the potential to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. From healthcare to climate change, A.I. can contribute to finding innovative solutions. In healthcare, A.I. algorithms can analyze medical records, aid in diagnosing diseases, and predict patient outcomes, leading to more accurate and personalized treatments. A.I. can also optimize energy consumption, facilitate predictive maintenance, and support sustainable practices in industries like transportation and manufacturing. By embracing A.I., we can leverage its capabilities to tackle complex problems and drive positive change. Ethical Considerations and Responsible Adoption: As we embrace A.I., it is essential to consider the ethical implications and ensure responsible adoption. A.I. algorithms must be built on principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability. Bias and discrimination in A.I. systems must be actively addressed and mitigated. Additionally, we must prioritize the development of frameworks and regulations that govern the ethical use of A.I., protecting privacy, data security, and human rights. By embracing A.I. responsibly, we can harness its transformative power while ensuring the well-being and dignity of individuals. Continuous Learning and Collaboration: Embracing A.I. requires continuous learning and collaboration across disciplines. Professionals from diverse backgrounds, including technology, ethics, law, and social sciences, must collaborate to shape the future of A.I. By fostering dialogue, sharing knowledge, and promoting interdisciplinary research, we can collectively navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by A.I. Communities, conferences, and platforms like cryptic.pt provide spaces for individuals to come together, exchange ideas, and collaborate on A.I.-related projects, contributing to its responsible and beneficial integration. TL;DR: A.I. is not a fleeting trend but a transformative force that is here to stay. By embracing A.I., we can unlock unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, innovation, and addressing complex challenges. However, responsible adoption, ethical considerations, and continuous learning are vital to ensure A.I. benefits society as a whole. Let us embrace A.I. with an open mindset, harness its potential, and shape a future where human and artificial intelligence collaborate to create a
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